
Seasons of warfare are unavoidable. In modern (or postmodern) times, many people view the personal quest for spirituality as a road to peace and trans...

Take a tour to Israel and there is one town you’ll need to think twice about visiting. Jewish tours almost always avoid it, even though it is the birt...

Most biblical proverbs can be found in the book so named for its content.  However, many proverbs are sprinkled throughout the Scriptures, including t...

Old Testament God rested from His work of creation.  “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day ...

The National Council of Churches describes Christian Zionism as “a danger to true peace in the Middle East.” Anglican Vicar Stephen Sizer, in his scor...

With the Day of Atonement just last month, and with many of us thinking of Thanksgiving this month, we wanted to present a biblical look at sacrifices...

The word leaven is found throughout Scripture and rabbinic tradition. Here is an in-depth look at how it is used, both tangibly and metaphorically.

I wasn’t looking for Jesus or God or anything ontological. I kept my nose to the grindstone. My goal in life was nothing big: I wanted to earn a good ...

The Burnt Offering Hebrew Term OLAH, literally ascending,” that is, the sacrifice “ascends” to God. It is translated as “burnt offering” or “whole off...

Is Shavuot a Jewish holiday or is it the birthday of the Christian church? It’s both! Find out more about the origins and the fulfillment of this bibl...

Like many Jewish people, I was raised in a home where Jewishness was more cultural than religious. Our family celebrated Passover and Hanukkah at our ...

We offer you this quick guide to the biblical purpose and basic facts about our most important holidays throughout the year.

We offer this as a helpful breakdown of the many thanksgiving words used in the Scriptures, both the Tanakh (Old Testament) and New Testament.

Find out why without Hanukkah, there would be no Christmas.

What does the Jewish Bible say about the Passover cup’s symbolism and meaning? What blessing can be found in remembering the story of redemption? Read...

A slim scarlet cord dangling in a window might not trigger thoughts of deliverance. That is, unless you were Rahab, a Gentile woman living in a home b...

Because my parents were Holocaust survivors, I grew up with a keen understanding of the fact that I was Jewish. There was never a time in my life when...

We celebrate the festival of Purim (pronounced poor-im) to commemorate God’s saving power as recorded in the book of Esther. You have heard the story ...

Rosh Hashanah means, “The head of the year” and thus the holiday is referred to as the Jewish New Year. However, in the Bible it is known as “the Feas...

A 94 year-old Orthodox sage has poured more fuel on the flames of religious controversy in Israel by contending in a sermon that the Holocaust was God...

Many are surprised to find that the Hebrew Scriptures don’t mention Hanukkah, but the New Testament does. Jesus attended the feast in Jerusalem.

Kabbalah” means “received teachings” or simply “traditions” and is derived from the Hebrew “kabel” which means “to receive.” It originally applied onl...

By joining the spiritual worship to the physical harvest, God sanctified the language of the harvest and imbued it with great spiritual and even proph...

Key Old Testament passage: Leviticus 25 Key Concepts: liberty, freedom, justice How: The jubilee was ushered in with the blast of a ram’s horn. In fac...