
In a messianic celebration of Hanukkah, there’s a hidden symbolism for us in the role of the Shamash candle, which lights all the others.

March 2022 update: We continue to send aid into Ukraine through our staff who are serving refugees in Poland with food and other essentials.

Rosh Hashanah had a late start in taking its place in Jewish life and stirs up repentance and reflection—not answers.

Respecting Jewish people means acknowledging the real reasons why evangelism within Jewish communities can feel predatory. And instead of minimizing o...

The Torah tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. How do we do that during a year like 2020 with social distancing, lockdowns, and closures?

There are many reasons art is essential. During a time of crisis and isolation, art brings us joy. It helps us express what we’re feeling. Art can tra...

In the face of rising antisemitism, there are ways to fight back. One day, all will be held accountable to Him.

A Jewish teacher led a revival, calling people to love God and others, bringing redemption through faith rather than political power.

I kept looking for a traditional Jewish explanation that would satisfy, but found none. The only plausible explanation seemed to be Jesus.

Messianic Jews are a small, growing, and diverse community of believers in Jesus, living our faith in a world that fails to see us as either Jewish or...

In an unexpected plot twist to your life, you just found out you are Jewish. You may or may not already realize that in the twenty-first century this ...

God is never mentioned in Esther, yet His fingerprints are all over the pages of this beloved book. In the same way, did we fail to recognize God amon...

As a young rabbi, Isaac Lichtenstein (1825–1908) reprimanded a young man for showing him a Bible containing a New Testament, took the book from him, a...

Until she began teaching about the Holocaust at Christian colleges and universities, author Judith Mendelsohn Rood had no idea that many of the Jews k...

Young Israeli musician causes a stir on national television when she says she is a follower of Yeshua (Jesus).

Someone has already taken the blame for all of our wrongdoing. But we must acknowledge him as God’s scapegoat, the atonement for our sins.

Into every life rain must fall, but what does the Bible say about it?

Who is a Messianic Jew? What is the history behind this term and the people who self-identify as such? Read on about the first Messianic Jews through ...

Explaining the Jewish and Christian Symbolism in Chagall’s Work.

The shammash is more than just a candle, it is the servant light by which all the other candles of Hanukkah receive their light.

JFJ: The Jewish Annotated New Testament has made quite a splash in some circles. What were your expectations as co-editor in terms of its reception an...

Betrayed!  one of the most influential story books ever written, is now in its third decade! The Story Stan’s first wife Ethel was a huge part of this...

Discover the Old Testament-New Testament connection between the prophet Elijah and the Messiah Jesus.

Andrew Klavan is the author of such internationally bestselling novels as True Crime, filmed by and starring Clint Eastwood, and Don’t Say A Word, mad...