Discover journeys of Jewish people who believe in Jesus
Tamir Kugman’s Story
“I had started a war against God; but that same moment, I realized my existence was meaningless without Him.”
“I grew up in a religious home. But God seemed too holy to be personally known.”
“I knew that being Jewish was a good thing, yet I didn’t think much about God.”
“I ordered a New Testament from Jews for Jesus to prove that they were wrong!”
“My 20-year journey in New Ageism started with ‘I can attract whatever I want into my life’ but eventually led me to total spiritual exhaustion.”
“I decided to read the New Testament, and I was very surprised. I read through the book of Matthew and by the end, I had tears in my eyes. It was not what I had expected. I couldn’t find anything I disagreed with. I became upset and asked myself, “How come I’ve not read this before?”
“Jesus, the Messiah? How could this be true? How could a guy come along, people follow him, and that became a new religion? I’d been searching so high and deep, this couldn’t possibly be the answer. I didn’t want it to be.”
In the midst of suffering, these Holocaust Survivors found hope in their Messiah.
Read Ziggy’s and more stories of how our minds and hearts were changed by meeting our Messiah.