
Contrary to tradition, a fresh look at history and astronomy sets the date of Jesus’ birth at an important point in the Jewish holiday calendar.

Moses chose not to reveal that he was a Hebrew. He actively identified as an Egyptian, and that’s how he would have gone down in history if God had no...

Cross-cultural challenges can result in marital complications. Blending cultures without privileging one faith over the other can feel impossible.

The historical record is very clear. Jesus did exist. So, how did his existence come to be questioned by so many modern people?

Meditation in the Jewish Scriptures describes a different approach to mindfulness meditation: in the Scriptures, mindfulness meditation refers to appl...

This type of meditation now used in psychotherapy is derived from an old Buddhist discipline. But the Tanakh has its own, God-centered version.

Interacting with a personal God who listens to our prayers and cares about our daily affairs feels foreign to many Jewish people. Thus the Jewish heal...

The New Testament throughout shows that Jesus is indeed the “Mighty God” who has come among us as a human being. Jesus does things only God can do, su...

The issues relevant to the “spiritual but not religious” movement are so ancient that the Jewish Bible addresses many of them—and so did Jesus!

God made you Jewish on purpose. What if faith in Jesus enables you to discover the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the One who has the final say on w...

Jesus is often misunderstood because he’s taken out of context. We have to understand him within the world of first-century Jewish life.

Though, it’s often held to be heretical in modern Judaism, the idea of a God being three-in-one actually has its roots in foundational Judaism.

When the truth hurts, we must choose either to endure pain or avoid truth. What does this mean when we apply it to a spiritual reality?

More than any other book of the Hebrew Scriptures, the writings of the prophet Daniel confront us with evidence of the time of Messiah’s coming.

The New Testament says from the first page that it’s the story of the Jewish Messiah, the Son of David and Son of Abraham.

The idea of a future resurrection from the dead comes from ancient biblical Judaism. But what do Jewish sources think about Jesus’ resurrection?

It’s been a controversial passage within the Jewish community for centuries. Does it speak of the Messiah (and Yeshua)? Or is it about Israel?

What did Yeshua (Jesus) claim to be—Messiah, as powerful as God, God himself, atonement? What didn’t he claim to be, and what decision do we all need ...

When God refers to the Jewish people as chosen, it means He selected them for a specific purpose and task. So what is it we were set apart to do?

Is resurrection only a Christian concept? Can it be traced to biblical and traditional Judaism–both the Hebrew Scriptures and the rabbis? Where does J...

Can Jewish people read the New Testament? Discover why the New Testament draws from Hebrew Scripture, the Jewish Bible. Read about why a rabbi who con...

This question can be controversial or confusing. Here we present a logical look at whether or not a Jewish person can also be a Christian.

Here is an in-depth overview of the similarities, differences and changes over time between the three primary branches of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservat...

The Scriptures tell us specific credentials to help us identify the Messiah and recognize imposters. Let’s take a look at them together.