About Jesus

What Jesus said about family sounds very shocking. But it can actually give us new perspective on how to love our closest friends and relatives.

Jesus might seem to some like a sagely peacenik. But on closer inspection, we can see he was a different type of teacher with a very clear mission.

The things Jesus taught about charity and love for neighbors are widely appealing. But one central claim he made about himself is offensive to many.

Some see Jesus as a good-hearted social reformer who was tragically naïve about the politics of his day. But does that view get Jesus right?

Our response to a controversy that is brewing over a new Netflix show that cast an Israeli Jewish woman to play the mother of Jesus.

People today worry a lot about what to prioritize in life. And even 2,000 years ago, it was a relevant issue that Jesus addressed in a key teaching.

It is a wildly successful historical drama that tries to present Jesus faithfully. But does “The Chosen” accurately portray the Jewishness of Jesus?

If Jesus was really the Messiah, one would expect that our ancestors would have noticed and then all Israel would have followed him.

The prophets tell us that the Messiah will bring peace to Israel and the world. If Jesus didn’t do that in his lifetime, how can we call him Messiah?

For Jewish people, the story of Jesus birth can seem very foreign. But a closer reading of the original accounts reveals a story is deeply Jewish.

Although since the second century most of his followers have been Gentiles, Jesus himself did not seek out non-Jewish followers during his ministry.

Giving to charity is a core value of Judaism. And the value of tzedakah is reflected in the New Testament too, especially in the teachings of Jesus.

Rabbis in Israel in Jesus’ day didn’t often discuss antisemitism directly. But Jesus strongly affirmed God’s loving commitment to the Jewish people.

What has Judaism, past and present, said about the Messiah? What does the concept mean? And is it still relevant?

The first Jewish followers of Jesus believed that he is God come to Israel in person. Naturally, that raises many questions for Jewish people today!

Historians agree, Jesus was a first-century teacher of Judaism, a rabbi. But then what kind of Judaism did Jesus teach?

Many of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled happened during Passover and are related to the holiday. Here are five.

Many see a historical error among the accounts of Jesus’ life in the New Testament. Was his famous last supper a Passover Seder or not?

These holidays share a lot more than people realize. In ritual and tradition they differ. But in history and meaning they’re deeply linked.

Scripture says the Messiah will keep and teach Torah. If Jesus didn’t, then faith in him would be wrong. But what did he really do and teach?

Is the Birth of Jesus Based on the Legends of Caesar? Similarities between the stories raise surprising parallels and striking differences.

A miracle on the Feast of Tabernacles and how the Jewish holiday points to great joy for the future.

Despite the common misperception, Jesus was Jewish—a first-century rabbi from Israel who challenged his people to turn to the God of their fathers.

The Passover elements symbolize God’s character and have formed Jewish identity for generations by retelling the story of our liberation from Egypt.