About Jesus

There are many reasons why the majority of Jewish people don’t recognize Jesus as Messiah—some are cultural, some historical, and some religious.

For Jesus, the Hebrew Scriptures were the key by which he understood his vocation and life. We’ve gathered the 40 most striking prophecies about him.

Why does Jesus ignore this Gentile woman’s cries for help, tell his disciples that he won’t help anyone who’s not Jewish, then seem to insult her?

The historical record is very clear. Jesus did exist. So, how did his existence come to be questioned by so many modern people?

The New Testament throughout shows that Jesus is indeed the “Mighty God” who has come among us as a human being. Jesus does things only God can do, su...

Scholars debate the particular kind of Judaism Jesus represented, but it was Judaism nonetheless. There was, as yet, nothing called “Christianity.”

Jesus is often misunderstood because he’s taken out of context. We have to understand him within the world of first-century Jewish life.

The New Testament says from the first page that it’s the story of the Jewish Messiah, the Son of David and Son of Abraham.

Is there room in Jewish thought for the idea that someone can die for the sins of another? The Bible and Jewish tradition both seem to think so.

What did Yeshua (Jesus) claim to be—Messiah, as powerful as God, God himself, atonement? What didn’t he claim to be, and what decision do we all need ...

The Scriptures tell us specific credentials to help us identify the Messiah and recognize imposters. Let’s take a look at them together.

The New Testament is full of quotes, references, and allusions from the Hebrew Scriptures. Many of those are found in the words of Jesus himself.

Did Jesus celebrate a Passover Seder similar to what I grew up with? Should his followers today be remembering this event in a “more Jewish” way?

In the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah, it is traditional to recite the Akedah, the story in Genesis 22 of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son,...

A chronological guide to the last week of Jesus’ life, from his entry into Jerusalem, to his celebration of Passover, to his death and resurrection.

The Jewish prophets gave some very specific information about the Messiah not often discussed in synagogue.

An answer to the allegation that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah.

My interest in JESUS — i.e. in the name of Jesus — dates back to 1976-78, when I lived in Jerusalem: While being a Danish pastor in Jerusalem in those...

Although they lived centuries apart, comparing the lives of Joseph and Jesus reveals some striking parallels.

It is a common misconception that every Jewish person of Jesus’ time rejected him—but this does not tell the full story. In fact, many were fascinated...

Were some modern Passover traditions invented by the early followers of Jesus, before they were separated from the greater Jewish community?

The writer of Proverbs paints a mysterious picture of a figure who bears the name of God’s son and asks the reader to identify him. But is the idea of...