Why doesn’t God always respond when we pray to him for worthy causes, like the release and safe return of the October 7th hostages?
What Jesus said about family sounds very shocking. But it can actually give us new perspective on how to love our closest friends and relatives.
If our anxieties run deep, we need a deep solution. Inner peace was not a goal that Jesus was urging us to achieve, but a gift he was offering.
Jesus might seem to some like a sagely peacenik. But on closer inspection, we can see he was a different type of teacher with a very clear mission.
With thousands of churches and Messianic congregations out there, what makes one right for you?
For interfaith couples, these holidays may highlight differences, but their shared themes of light, hope, and family offer opportunities for unity.
Like many, I used to insist that I was spiritual but not religious, seeking my own path to truth and the transcendent. Here’s why that doesn’t work.
The things Jesus taught about charity and love for neighbors are widely appealing. But one central claim he made about himself is offensive to many.
Some see Jesus as a good-hearted social reformer who was tragically naïve about the politics of his day. But does that view get Jesus right?
Why was the Second Temple in Jerusalem destroyed in 70 AD? Interestingly, the rabbis and Jesus had some similar things to say about this.
People today worry a lot about what to prioritize in life. And even 2,000 years ago, it was a relevant issue that Jesus addressed in a key teaching.
Our traditional Jewish liturgies have helped to shape our identity as a people, and they still have that formative power.
This is a modern evil with very deep roots. Taking a look at the roots can help us better understand and identify the tree we’re now standing under.
In the first-century Jewish world of Jesus, fasting was extremely important. Even 2,000 years later, what he said about it remains highly relevant.
When the religious leaders asked Jesus about marriage, he spoke of truths that can mean the difference between life and death in a relationship.
Sometimes, our story seems like one long battle for survival. What is the secret to Jewish survival throughout our long history?
Ilana and Rebekah, from our Children’s and Youth Ministry Team, discuss the uptick in antisemitism and offer guidance on discussing it with youth.
For Jewish people, the story of Jesus birth can seem very foreign. But a closer reading of the original accounts reveals a story is deeply Jewish.
As the year turns darker, and so does our world, putting a hanukkiah in the window may be the most tenacious act of love we can offer.
Many of our people have only a “maybe” belief in any kind of life after death. But the Tanakh points us to the hope of eternal joy in God’s presence.
Although since the second century most of his followers have been Gentiles, Jesus himself did not seek out non-Jewish followers during his ministry.
Why does God allow humans to do so many selfish and even wicked things? A search for the Bible’s answer to the most difficult question.
Giving to charity is a core value of Judaism. And the value of tzedakah is reflected in the New Testament too, especially in the teachings of Jesus.
The Psalms can give us great comfort in times of crisis. They record the faith and courage of our ancestors and remind us that God is still with us.