Meet Our Leaders

Below you'll be introduced to some of the key leaders who oversee different aspects of our ministry and operations.

Aaron Abramson

“One thing that still shocks me is that when I talk to other Jewish people, they often know very little about who Jesus is. We want to see that change.”

Aaron Abramson

Executive Director and CEO

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“Our strength is in the Lord, and the best is yet to come for Jews for Jesus. The future is bright with the promises of God.”

David Brickner

Executive Chairman

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David Brickner
Dan Sered

“I believe that the gospel is the hope for humanity. It gives us the tools to become who God created us to be.”

Dan Sered

Chief Operating Officer

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“We share Jesus in His original Jewish context letting new people connect to Him—people who might have thought that wasn’t possible.”

Arielle Randle

Chief Operating Officer

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Arielle Randle
Eli Birnbaum

“Israel is the place where Jesus first brought His message, but today, less than half a percent really know who He is. That’s why I serve here.”

Eli Birnbaum

Israel Director

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“It is a great privilege to support a diverse group of Jewish people who all are passionate about both their identity as Jews and their faith in Jesus.”

Shaun Buchhalter

Global Director of Human Resources

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Marc Stein
Stephen Katz

“It’s the most natural thing in my life to engage with other Jewish people and to share about my own faith journey.”

Stephen Katz

Chief of Staff

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“We see philanthropy as a ministry opportunity to support our financial partners, as they find deep joy in giving.”

Marc Stein

Chief Philanthropy Officer

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Marc Stein
Susan Perlman

“Jews for Jesus was established 50 years ago, but really, Jews have been believing in Jesus since 32 AD.”

Susan Perlman

Chief Partnership Officer

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