Executive Director and CEO
Aaron Abramson was raised in an American Jewish family in Seattle. He was a teenager when his family relocated to Israel, where he attended an Orthodox yeshiva and served in the Israeli military. While traveling after his army service, Aaron had a life-changing encounter with God. His passion to see others’ lives similarly transformed led him to join Jews for Jesus in 2000.
Amidst war and rising antisemitism, the appointment of Aaron as the first Israeli to lead Jews for Jesus comes at a key moment. His firsthand experience with the realities of the conflict in the Middle East deeply informs his vision for ministry. While serving in the Israeli Defense Forces, Aaron’s close friend was captured, tortured, and killed by Hamas. Ultimately, it was the teachings of Jesus that inspired him to pursue radical reconciliation and friendship with Arab neighbors in his hometown of Jerusalem.
As Jews for Jesus’ chief operating officer over the last six years, Aaron has had oversight of our North American and UK ministry teams as well as our Church Engagement and Communications Departments. He’s a big picture, strategic thinker and has been instrumental in creating new approaches for how to reach and serve more Jewish people and communities. Under his direction, Jews for Jesus teams worldwide have seen a growing response to the gospel amidst pressing global crises. They have also provided aid and comfort to hundreds of thousands affected by war, poverty, and disaster.
Aaron stepped into his role as CEO on June 1, 2024. He holds a BA in biblical and intercultural studies from All Nations Christian College in England and a master of public administration from New York University. Aaron met his wife Victoria, also a Jewish believer, through Jews for Jesus. The Abramsons have three children and currently reside in London.
From the Jewish Telegraph Agency: With a new leader and revamped strategy, it’s a second coming for Jews for Jesus
From WORLD Magazine: Antidote to Hatred: Aaron Abramson tells how the love of Christ counters anti-Semitism
Is Freedom of Speech Bad for Antisemitism?
Life on Point Interview with Aaron Abramson
Aaron talks about his journey to faith in Jesus and passion for sharing with other Jewish people.