Isaiah 40:3-5 envisions God returning to the land of Israel from afar, with the travel preparations suitable for a king.
Jesus was rejected by the people and valued as lowly and worthless; just as thirty pieces of silver was the price of a slave.
The birthplace of the Messiah seemed to be a lively topic of discussion among the Jewish people who we encounter in the New Testament.
In Jesus’ ministry as Messiah, we see him do miracles of healing the blind, the lame, the deaf, cleansing a leper, and raising a dead person to life.
Like Isaac in the Akedah, Jesus offered himself as a willing sacrifice. Genesis 22 has many other clues about the future Messiah, son of Abraham.
Psalm 69 is the most-quoted psalm in the New Testament applied to Jesus as Messiah. It is a Psalm about David (or son of David) who is persecuted.
This prophecy comes in the context of a warning by Moses against false prophets. The true prophet would be a mediator between God and the people.
Jesus was the rejected cornerstone. That word may refer either to the foundation stone or to the keystone holding together an arch.
The prophet Isaiah mentions a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Are these titles of God or of someone else?
The prophets looked for a day when this promise would be fulfilled in an ultimate descendant of David—the Messiah—who would rule over Israel.
This isn’t a prediction, but a picture that would ultimately be fulfilled in Messiah Jesus. The key word here is “redeem,” reminiscent of Exodus.
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,” writes Isaiah. Who is the “me” is in this passage. Is it the prophet? Or the “Servant of the Lord”?
This prophecy depicts one of Israel’s four matriarchs grieving for her descendants, murdered by a foreign king. Discover how it connects to messiah’s ...
In Malachi 4, God sends the prophet Elijah before the “great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” His mission is to bring about reconciliation.