Frum for Jesus

We discovered that when we seek it, we can find truth

Despite everything we have been taught, many Jews have concluded that Yeshua ben Yosef, Jesus, is our promised Mashiach.

Expressing Our Faith

A Conversation with a Hidden Believer

“I didn’t like what I saw in marriages, and I didn’t want to just be a wife and give birth to kids. If I ever had a child, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to raise him or her in a religious community.”

G-d Can Do What He Wants To Do

A Double Life in Israel

“Sarah told me that she had a strong belief that Yeshua was the Mashiach promised to Klal Yisroel, but she knew very little about him.”

We are here to answer your questions

Taking the first step on the road to discovery can be difficult. Asking questions that challenge what we were taught to believe is a great place to start. It can help to talk with others who understand and have been there too. We are here to help you.