Schedule a Speaker

Passover celebration
passover celebration

Our Church Engagement Department works to build lasting relationships with the local churches and congregations worldwide. We do this by partnering with you, the local body of believers, in ways that meet the needs of your fellowship and sharing our heart for Jewish evangelism.

Our Church Engagement Team is ready to answer any questions you may have as it relates to the possibility of bringing a Jews for Jesus speaker to your congregation.

For more information, contact our Church Engagement department.

Our Programs

Christ in the Passover

Christ in the Passover shows the link between the ancient Festival of Redemption and Christ as the Lamb of God—your church members will never forget it! This sermonic demonstration is visual, so the congregation will actually see a table set with traditional Passover items. The missionary uses Scripture as well as the visual items to walk through a Jewish Passover Seder, weaving the story of the Exodus together with the life, death and resurrection of Christ. The words He spoke in the upper room come alive as each Hebraic item is carefully explained. Many churches finish this powerful presentation by celebrating communion, and most who have tell us that Christ in the Passover has deepened their church’s communion experience.

Jesus in the Old Testament

From Genesis to Malachi, explore how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and look at what some of the first-century rabbis said about Messiah and his coming. More than an Old Testament lesson, the missionary will also share their first-hand experience of speaking about Messianic prophecy with. Jewish people today. This message poses that if Jesus is the Messiah of the Old Testament, everyone should believe in Him including the Jewish people.

The Jewish Roots of Pentecost

Although part of the historical church calendar, most believers know little of the significance of Pentecost (also called the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot). Allow Jews for Jesus to take your people through a Biblically based message on the historical importance of this Jewish celebration and its relevance to believers today. As the second of the three harvest feasts, Christians today will be strongly encouraged in this message focusing on the inclusion of both Jew and Gentile as part of God’s people.

Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles

This sermonic demonstration uses visual aids to paint a picture of how Jesus fulfilled the Festival of Sukkot (also known as the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles). Our missionary will explain the traditional and Christological significance of this holiday. Jesus’ claims to be the Light of the World and the Living Water are brought into perspective as the meaning of this holiday unfolds.

Christ in the Feast of Hanukkah

Birthed out of the tumultuous Inter-Testamental Period, Hanukkah is a key celebration in the Jewish tradition. For many Christians, this near-Christmas, Jewish holiday carries a darkness of ignorance. Allow Jews for Jesus the opportunity to shed some light on the Festival of Lights. Discover the roots of Hanukkah, its current significance to the Jewish people, and what believers can learn from it today. More than a simple historical lesson, this message is also a call to purity and stresses the importance of ‘letting your light shine before men’ (Matthew 5:16).

Gospel in the Feasts of Israel

The ‘Gospel in the Feasts of Israel’ message focuses on the seven chief Old Testament holidays or feasts. Our missionaries explain the purpose of these celebrations both then and now. They then show how the coming of Jesus fulfilled those feasts and gave them a larger meaning. This is an excellent teaching on the relationship of the Old and New Testaments. It also reveals the opportunities for Jewish evangelism throughout the year.

How to Share Jesus with Jewish People

By hosting a “How to Share Jesus with Jewish People” event, your church community will glean valuable tips on presenting the good news of Messiah Jesus to Jewish and non-Jewish friends alike. They will gain insight into how to respond to various objections to the gospel as well as conversation techniques, understanding Jewish sensitivities, and more. “How to Share Jesus” is often scheduled on a Saturday morning, for adult Bible classes, or as a comprehensive series.

Schedule Your Speaker

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