Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles

Drawing sukkot lulav and etrog

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Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles aims to enrich the church’s understanding of the gospel by going back to the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. We explain how the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is a vibrant part of Jewish life today, as well as how the holiday offers a wealth of meaning for Christians who value their Old Testament heritage.

This sermonic demonstration uses a variety of visual aids to show the rich history of the feast and its attendant traditions. The speaker transports you to Jerusalem in Jesus’ day and sets the stage for His claims to be the Light of the World and the one who provides the Living Water of the Spirit.

Jesus not only celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, He used it as the occasion to reveal His nature and His mission. Christians who want to better understand the Jewish life that Jesus lived on this earth will feel they know Him even more intimately as they learn about the rituals He and His disciples observed.

While one purpose of “Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles” is to provide a rich experience for Christians, the presentation also addresses questions that seekers may have about the Jewishness of Jesus and its implications for them. Like many of the Jewish holidays, the Feast of Tabernacles shows how consistent the God of Israel is in His desire to have a real and personal relationship with those who are looking for Him.

“Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles” includes a clear and sensitive presentation of the gospel and it is most appropriate to invite seekers to this program. This would be a great opportunity for you to invite not only Jewish friends, but also unbelievers from any and all backgrounds, to come to your church.

The presentation is designed to fit the time frame of a worship service. It typically lasts for about forty-five minutes, however can be abbreviated for convenience.

If you would like to schedule “Christ in the Feast of Tabernacles” at your church or congregation, click below. For more information, contact our Church Engagement department.

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