This is a modern evil with very deep roots. Taking a look at the roots can help us better understand and identify the tree we’re now standing under.
She gave me a plaque for our wedding that said, your people will be my people. But I didn’t realize how serious she was until after October 7.
Sometimes, our story seems like one long battle for survival. What is the secret to Jewish survival throughout our long history?
Imagine how the Jewish community in Australia felt as we watched the news, seeing a crowd of people in our largest city shouting for our death.
Rabbis in Israel in Jesus’ day didn’t often discuss antisemitism directly. But Jesus strongly affirmed God’s loving commitment to the Jewish people.
If you’re Jewish, maybe you’ve heard that some Christians believe your covenant with God is no longer valid. Where did these claims come from?
There are many reasons why the majority of Jewish people don’t recognize Jesus as Messiah—some are cultural, some historical, and some religious.
Why are many Jewish people wary of the gospel? The answers are rooted in church history and explain the lingering impact of Christian antisemitism.
Unfortunately, one of the most common phrases a Jewish person can hear is this: “The Jews killed Jesus.” Such condemnations have plagued the Jewish pe...
For a professing Christian to side with the antisemite is to side not only against the Jewish Apostles who penned the Christian New Testament, but aga...
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