Victoria Negrimovskaya

Victoria Negrimovskaya Kyiv


Victoria Negrimovskaya was born into a Jewish family in Dnipro, Ukraine. In her family, no one talked about God. She graduated from a technical school specializing in garment manufacture. She went from job to job seeking a higher salary. Her marriage had failed, and she was surviving on 5 grivnas ($1) a week. She received Jesus at a Bible study home group that her friend had invited her to. Later, she started attending a church. She met Jews for Jesus at a presentation in her church, but she had her doubts about this way of serving the Lord. A year later when she attended a Jews for Jesus Shabbat meeting, her doubts disappeared. During the Jews for Jesus Behold Your God campaign in Dnipro, she watched the Survivors’ Stories video, and it confirmed her thoughts and feelings. In 2003, she took part in the Odessa Behold Your God campaign, and in 2004 she joined the staff of Jews for Jesus as an outreach worker in Dnipro, where her mother lives. Since 2019 she has been ministering as part of Jews for Jesus in Kyiv.
