Sheer Raev

Sheer Raev


Sheer Raev was born in Canada to an Israeli-Jewish mother and a Canadian-Gentile father. Her mother is a believer in Yeshua and her father is not. Growing up in a Messianic home, she always believed in God but didn’t know what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. During her teenage years, through the guidance of youth leaders, Sheer understood that God was her Father and that she could have a personal relationship with Him. She joyfully accepted Jesus as her Savior.

Sheer joined Jews for Jesus in 2011 with a passion to serve children and youth. She now leads weekly children’s Bible clubs and summer vacation Bible schools, as well as helping with other gospel-based events. She loves building personal relationships with the kids she serves, answering questions they have about God and seeing them grow in their faith. Sheer is married to Max, and they have one daughter.

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