Emmanuel Mebasser Los Angeles

Web Evangelism Missionary

Emmanuel was born in Tehran, Iran, and he likes to tell people he is a descendant of Queen Esther … but he can’t back that up. What he can back up is that he is a 5th-generation Jewish believer in Jesus. Emmanuel’s family moved to Los Angeles when he was a child to escape the Islamic revolution.

While Emmanuel grew up in a family that followed Jesus, at the age of 17, he began to seek to know God for himself. His two-year search affirmed his faith in Jesus and the Bible, and it became clear to him how important it is to share God’s love and good news about the Messiah Jesus with his Jewish people. Read more about Emmanuel’s life story.

Emmanuel studied fine art/animation/film and lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Sarah, and their three kids. He leads our Online Evangelism Team. Innovating online evangelism techniques on jewsforjesus.org since 2007, he says, “Our goal is to harness the anonymous nature of the web to allow Jewish people online to explore the depth of Jesus’ love and get personally connected directly with a missionary!” Read about how to take part in this flourishing online ministry.

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