Avi Snyder

Avi Snyder

European Ambassador of Jews for Jesus

Avi Snyder currently serves as the European ambassador of Jews for Jesus. He was raised in a conservative Jewish home in New York City and came to faith in Jesus in 1977 with the help of a Jews for Jesus tract and the forthright witness of Christian friends. He served as our Los Angeles director before he and his wife, Ruth, moved to Ukraine, just as the USSR was falling apart. After pioneering the work in Ukraine and Russia, they launched the German and Hungarian works of our ministry. Avi received his theological training from Fuller Theological Seminary, the School of World Mission, and he’s written two books: Jews Don’t Need Jesus—& Other Misconceptions and Never Ashamed—Stories of Sharing Faith with Scoffers and Skeptics.

Avi is passionate about Jewish evangelism, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. You can feel that passion when he says, “For us Jews to proclaim God’s message of eternal life in the countries where so many of us diedthat’s a redemption of history. That’s life from the dead” (Romans 11:15). He and Ruth have three grown children.
