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Ministry Moments

Tuvya Zaretsky

From Tuvya Zaretsky, Jewish Gentile Couples

When I first met Gerald,* he was an unbelieving Jewish man and in a common-law relationship with Nancy, a Gentile believer in Jesus. After nine years of ministering to him, Gerald finally came to faith in Yeshua. Recently, he called to tell me that he and Nancy just got married at a church in California that they’ve been attending regularly. Praise God!

Vladimir Mitnitsky

From Vladimir Mitnitsky in Tel Aviv

Judah* is a young man who reached out to request a copy of the New Testament. About six months ago, he began researching Christianity online and recently came to faith in Jesus. Judah says Jesus has become the center of his life, and he believes in Him as the Savior and Messiah for the world. Judah is joining a local congregation. This spring, he will be enlisting in a combat unit in the Israel Defense Forces. Pray that Judah will continue to grow in his faith, that he will form bonds with other like-minded believers, and for his protection while in military service.

Rob Berman

From Rob Berman in South Africa

Louis* came to faith a few years ago through a Christian friend and was then connected with us. His family’s vehement stance against his faith made it incredibly difficult for him to connect with any believers, so he was unable to be discipled. Last year, he was hospitalized, and recently, he began feeling an urgency to get baptized. It was such a privilege to see Louis be baptized, especially because he couldn’t share this with his family. Please pray that Louis’ family will become open to hearing about Yeshua as the fruit of the Spirit becomes increasingly evident in his life.

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.

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