Press Release: Jews for Jesus and Jackie Mason

For immediate release
Contact Person: Susan Perlman

Jackie Mason, the comedian, is suing
Jews for Jesus over one of their evangelistic pamphlets which features his likeness. The pamphlet, entitled, Jackie Mason, a Jew for Jesus!?” is a good natured look at how anyone, Jew or Gentile, can become a follower of Jesus.

Mason, in his lawsuit, says that the pamphlet gives the impression that he is a proponent of Jews for Jesus. Jews for Jesus denies this. The pamphlet is satirical in style and intended to point out that even someone as Jewish as Jackie Mason can come to faith in Jesus. Mason describes himself “as Jewish as a matzoh ball or kosher salami. . .”

Jews for Jesus executive director, David Brickner, responded, “Jackie may be as Jewish as a matzoh ball, but Jesus is as Jewish as chicken soup. It is our hope that this issue will not have to go through the courts, [the case has been removed from the Supreme Court of the State of New York to Federal Court] but this is a matter of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We are not claiming Jackie Mason to be a Jew for Jesus. Of course, if he’s interested, we’re sure Jesus would welcome him as a follower.”

Jews for Jesus has hand distributed more than sixty million religious pamphlets on the streets of major cities around the world. Many of the titles deal with contemporary pop culture and personalities. They are distributed for free and invite a response from those who are interested to know more.

Jews for Jesus, 60 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.