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Are We Looking Up to See What God Is Doing?

by Aaron Abramson, Executive Director and CEO | November 24 2024

As I reflect on where our ministry has been and where we are headed, one thing is certain. God’s story of redemption is still unfolding in the lives of Jewish people all over the world. This is an exciting time to be in on God’s work among our people!

In John 4:35, Yeshua (Jesus) says, “Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.” This is still true today—and God is still inviting us to open our eyes and take part in His plan. Are we looking up to see what God is doing?

In the Fields

Jesus frequently used farming as a metaphor for how the gospel brings new life to those who receive it. The apostle Paul picks up the same metaphor in 2 Corinthians 9:6: “Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Paul also builds on what Jesus taught by pointing out that whatever part we have in sharing the gospel, it’s always and only God who brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7).

God is generous. He invites all kinds of believers to participate in His redemptive plans, using our diverse gifts for His glory. He includes us in the joy of seeing people reconciled to Him, but it’s His power that makes our efforts fruitful. What does that mean for us?

There are approximately 16 million Jewish people across the globe, and we want to reach as many as possible with the good news of Messiah. How can we sow and reap bountifully among so many? How can we be part of the increase that only God can bring? We are working to develop more new missionaries on our staff. But in order to succeed in this next season, I believe we need what I’m calling “open-handed leadership.” By that I mean taking the initiative to develop more people and opportunities—not only within Jews for Jesus but also beyond—to reap, sow, and reach Jewish people for Jesus.

Over the last 50-plus years, we have forged many partnerships with individuals, congregations, and evangelistic agencies outside of Jews for Jesus. In the months and years ahead, we’ll explore even more ways to encourage Jewish gospel-centered ministry throughout the body of Messiah.

On our own, no amount of labor can accomplish anything of value.

On the Boat

Jesus also used fishing to illustrate how He wants us to take part in His redemptive plans. In Luke 5:4–11, we see how Jesus told Peter to let down his fishing nets for a catch. Peter remarks that they’d been fishing all night without catching anything, but he still obeys. The results are astonishing. After the nets fill to breaking, Peter has to call others to bring a second boat to keep the first boat from sinking under the weight of the catch!

On our own, no amount of labor can accomplish anything of value. But with Jesus, we can do more than we could ever dream. Jesus doesn’t say, “Come, watch while I catch all the fish.” He sends us out and empowers us to catch more than we could handle. He pushes us to think bigger—to involve more fishermen and more boats.

Over the coming months, I’ll be sharing more about how we can step further into generous leadership by

  • expanding opportunities for ministry service,
  • partnering with more individuals and organizations, and
  • helping to launch new ministries throughout the globe.

I am so encouraged by what God is doing through our teams around the world.

But I am also convinced that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg of what could be done to reach Jewish people of all walks of life with the gospel.

In Isaiah 43, we read about God’s plan to do something new, to bring fresh life into the wilderness. He paints a picture of rivers flowing through the desert. And then He asks, “Do you not perceive it?” (v. 19 NIV). The Bible describes a redeemed people of Israel coming home to Him from the ends of the earth. I don’t know if this will happen in our lifetime, but may we live as though it could.

My prayer for our ministry, and for you as well, is that God will continually open the eyes of our hearts to help us see what He wants us to see. With eyes and hearts wide open, we can reap and sow and rejoice when God brings the increase.

There’s more to see and pray for!

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