Provide lifesaving aid to Israelis today!

As the crisis in Israel continues to unfold, we are learning of the ways we can meet the emerging needs of many Israelis as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our staff packing care packages in Tel Aviv

Our staff packing care packages in Tel Aviv

While war brings with it much uncertainty, we do know access to basics like food, water, toiletries, batteries, and clean clothing becomes anything but basic. These items are critical. That’s why our Israel team is working to provide tangible ways to bless the people in Israel with care packages and a safe place to process and pray.

As of October 9th, we are providing:

  • Care packages to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and reservists who have been sent into action overnight.
  • Care at our ministry center in Tel Aviv for all Israelis who need basics like food or more than that—someone to pray with them.

We remain committed to serving the people of the Holy Land even in a time of crisis, and we thank you for standing with us to love and serve God’s chosen people.

Your gift will be put to work right away to help Jews for Jesus minister to Jewish seekers across the globe.


Questions and Phone Donations: (800) 366-5521

Mailing Address: Jews for Jesus, 60 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

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