With your gift today, you will help us share the gospel and minister to Jewish people around the world.
Our staff work to meet practical needs, build community, and above all, share the good news of our Messiah through word and deed.
Our staff packing care packages in Tel Aviv
Currently, our staff are focused on responding with love, solidarity, and support for the Jewish people in this time of crisis, which is being felt strongly by our people the world over.
Join us today in sharing God’s love with His chosen people!
Global inflation means rising costs of on‑the‑ground ministry, especially in critical regions like Israel and Ukraine. If you can, please consider increasing the amount of your donation to help offset the rising costs of proclaiming the gospel.
We are members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and Missio Nexus, both of which hold high standards for financial integrity.
Your gift will be put to work right away to help Jews for Jesus minister to Jewish seekers across the globe.
Questions and Phone Donations: (800) 366-5521
Mailing Address: Jews for Jesus, 60 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Financial accountability, integrity