Letter from Wes Taber

Often in a ministry context I am asked, How are you different from Jews for Jesus?”

My usual response is, “Jews for Jesus is a sister organization. We believe the same things, and have the same goal: to see Jewish people come to know Messiah Jesus and grow in their faith.”

I thank the Lord that Jews for Jesus has such a high ministry profile. A Jewish person seeking to know more about faith in Jesus would be most likely to contact Jews for Jesus, since their existence is so widely known — and a seeker who contacts JFJ is sure to hear a clear presentation of the gospel message: sinners separated from a holy God can be freely reconciled through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Israel’s promised Messiah, Yeshua.

I have the highest esteem for David Brickner, Jews for Jesus’ Executive Director. In every encounter with David I have come away with the sense that he is a markedly gifted man of God. I am privileged to count as valued colleagues other JFJ staff I have gotten to know over the course of years, who serve the Lord with dedication and integrity, and have often been a help and encouragement to me.

It is my prayer that God will continue to use this ministry to make the messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to Jewish people around the world, to the praise of His great name.

Wes Taber
Executive Director, AMF International