Letter from John Piper

To everyone who cares about truth and life and Jewish people,

For almost two decades I have followed with joy the ministry of Jews for Jesus. I say with joy because I love the gospel of the glory of Jesus the Messiah, and I love Jewish people, and I love bold, compassionate ways of connecting Jews and Jesus. All I have seen and all I know of Jews for Jesus makes me happy to say a rousing YES to their ministry.

From Moshe Rosen to David Brickner I have admired the leadership. I have seen them up close and in action. I have been a partner in the Behold Your God mission in Minneapolis and have spoken to the band of bold witnesses before they hit the streets. I encourage my people to give support, and I have wished I had a fraction of the dedication and courage I see in the missionaries who put themselves at risk week in and week out.

The risk is mainly from misunderstanding. It is inevitable. Bold, loving summons to believe on Jesus as the Messiah will be seen by some as arrogant,by others as abusive, by others as controlling, by others as ethnic assault, by others as the most precious gift ever given. I see it as obedience to Jesus and as the very embodiment of the love of Christ for lost sinners like me. “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5:12) May God give Jews for Jesus faithfulness to offer the Son to all who need him — to the Jew first and also to the gentile.

With deep appreciation for Jews for Jesus,

John Piper
Senior Pastor
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Minneapolis, MN