We’re exploring together the ways our Jewish heritage intersects with modern life in a safe space for diverse voices—curated by Messianic Jews.

Meet The Editor

I want to hear your thoughts!
Email me anytime at inherit@inheritmag.com.


Rachel Friedlander

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What We Mean By:

Words matter, and how we use them matters! Here’s a few things we say and what we mean by them.

“Safe space”

We create and promote content that is positive, uplifting, and affirms shared and relatable experiences. We don’t tolerate hate of any form—antisemitism, name calling, trolling, etc. Because our community is diverse, we’re careful not to unnecessarily offend or exclude, and we don’t publish any content that assumes the readers agree with a certain belief.


Content for Inherit is curated by a diverse group of Messianic Jewish people for a diverse group of people. Featured content intentionally avoids stereotypes, challenges pre-existing “cultural packages,” and reflects the diversity of voices, topics, and faith within the Jewish community.


Inherit is open to any Jewish person who wants to wrestle through how our shared heritage intersects with modern life—whether they be agnostic, Reform, Conservative, Messianic, spiritual, religious, uncertain—whatever! We know that agreement isn’t a prerequisite for conversation, and that there’s inherent beauty in a diversity of voices.

“Produced by
Jews for Jesus”

Inherit is produced by our parent brand, Jews for Jesus. Though Inherit remains in line with the sensitivities and values of its parent brand (like any other brand), all of the viewpoints expressed therein are solely those of the contributors alone. All curators of Inherit are Jewish and are all compensated by Jews for Jesus for their work. Contributors may or may not be followers of Jesus themselves.